We have gathered a wide range of vehicles, engines and bodies to meet the wide range

of demands in your business.

You will have the opportunity to drive these vehicles with full loads on both paved tracks and off-road areas at

each event. Each event will have a modified course to simulate the wide range of terrain your trucks need to handle.

Tour Vehicles

TerraStar with MaxxForce 7 engine and Amthor Dump

DuraStar 4300 with MaxxForce 7 engine and Tenco Dump

Dura Star 4400 with MaxxForce DT and Tenco Dump

WorkStar 7400 with MaxxForce DT 9 or 10 with Viking

Dump Work Star 7600 with MaxxForce 11 or 13 with Viking Dump

Get ready for your drive

Watch the driver training video now.